The Lexicon Easter Treats Box will returned to The Lexicon from today (March 11) to April 6th, to support families in the borough via Bracknell Foodbank and Home-Start Bracknell Forest.
The team from Hotel Chocolat kicked off the campaign with a selection of Easter Treats.
Sue Boor, head of marketing at The Lexicon, said: “Previously the local community has really got behind our Giving Box and the help it provides local families. We know that times are tough for everyone but we hope that shoppers will pop an extra Easter treat into their shopping basket to help us help 500 local families this Easter.
“This year, we would be delighted to receive Easter treats such as Easter eggs, biscuits, sweets and chocolates.”
Bracknell Foodbank, based at Kerith Community Church provides emergency food to individuals in crisis who have nowhere else to turn.
Liz Fourie, manager of Bracknell Foodbank, says: “We are grateful for the community’s continued support and generosity. The Lexicon Easter Giving Box will give local families a treat during Easter.”
Home-Start Bracknell Forest is a local charity that supports parents in the area facing extraordinary challenges.
Sharon Kearins, the manager of Home-Start Bracknell Forest, says: “Many local families are facing significant challenges this Easter due to the rising costs of supporting a household. Being able to provide a little unexpected treat for each family would truly be a wonderful gesture.”
The Lexicon Easter Treats Giving Box will be located in Princess Square.