A conservation project is giving hedgehog populations a boost in Bracknell.
Hedgehogs are a much-loved British mammal, which are now under threat. Estimates suggest the UK’s populations have declined by 30% to 75% since 2000.
Northerams Wood Hedgehog Project is supporting hedgehog populations in Bracknell. It began in 2022 when Bracknell Forest Council was awarded a £5,250 grant by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.
Stephen Chown, Head of Natural Estates, said:
“Our rangers sought guidance from Dr Pat Morris about how to help local hedgehogs. Dr Morris is a UK leading expert on hedgehogs, President of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and Chair of Wildlife in Ascot.
“The recommendation was to carry out conservation measures in and around Northerams Wood, due to its suitable habitat. This is an ancient woodland that our rangers manage, near Jennett’s Park.
“Hedgehog populations tend to fare better in urban locations, but casualties on roads remain a cause for concern. Through this community-driven project, we have built a fence along the eastern boundary of the woodland. This will help to prevent hedgehogs from accessing Mill Road (A3095).
“We have worked with our highways team to install hedgehog warning signs on key roads. These new signs show drivers where hedgehogs are likely to be and advise caution when driving in these areas.
“Bracknell Town Council has planted a mixed native hedge of 200 tree whips, at the front of Ringmead Allotments. Once established, the hedgerow will provide a place where hedgehogs can find food and shelter. The hedge also provides a green corridor to Jennett’s Hill, and another new hedge.
“We are working with the Berkshire Mammals Group and Bracknell Conservation Volunteers to monitor hedgehog numbers. This will show how effective these conservation measures are, and what future action might be required.
“Thanks to everyone involved in this great project to help local hedgehogs.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) is a registered UK Charity. Founded in 1982, they are dedicated to helping and protecting hedgehogs native to the UK (Erinaceus europaeus). They use campaigns, advocacy, and projects to raise awareness. Their aim is to show the practical steps we can take to help:
- reverse the decline of hedgehogs in the wild
- improve their welfare
- safeguard the future of this much-loved animal
The BHPS also funds research that provides important new insights into the conservation and welfare of hedgehogs.
For more information, go to the BHPS website.